Setting Healthy Boundaries On Your Media Consumption

This worksheet is designed to help adults set boundaries on their news media and social media so they don’t become overwhelmed by the constant flow of news. The worksheet provides specific recommendations for people to track and limit their media time and includes a chart to help them keep track of their time, the platforms they use, and their moods. (0724. media, social media, anxiety, depression)

Overcoming Social Isolation Through Bonding and Bridging

This worksheet goes beyond the conventional wisdom of telling people to connect with others who are like them (bonding) and encourages them to also make social connections with people who are not like them (bridging). The worksheet focuses on helping people set goals to become more socially active and to take small steps to achieve those goals. (0724, depression, isolation, loneliness)

Make Deposits into Your Psychological Bank Account

This worksheet is intended to help people manage their mental and emotional resources as part of a Wellness Plan. It helps them identify how to make “deposits” with self-care activities, positive relationships, and acquiring new psychological skills and to be aware of when they make “withdrawals” by overloading their lives with stress, accepting thoughts as true, or relying on self-defeating habits to cope with problems. (0724, wellness, stress, habits, lifestyle)