Selecting a Dentist That Fits Your Needs

An estimated 1 out of 3 people have anxiety about seeing the dentist and 12% have such severe fear that it is classified as a phobia. This worksheet is designed to help people select a dentist that best fits their emotional needs, as well as practical issues like proximity and fees. (0225, dental phobia, dental anxiety,

Think Before You Act (Kids)

This activity is intended to help children understand the importance of thinking ahead. There are three scenarios for them to think about followed by a maze activity that asks them to look ahead and avoid going down dead ends (0225, ADHD, impulsive, impulsivity)

Using Imaginal Exposure To Reduce Anxiety

This worksheet teaches the technique of imaginal exposure to reduce fears and anxiety. People are asked to write down situations that cause fear and/or anxiety and read it over and over again. A chart is included for people to record their anxiety levels before and after this exercise. (0225. anxiety, GAD, exposure, Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

Coping with Trauma and PTSD Using Image Rescripting

This evidence-based CBT technique helps people “rewrite” the traumatic memory, reducing its emotional charge. The worksheet explains the process and then takes people through the four steps of re-imagining the trauma in a more positive light. (0225, trauma, narrative therapy, CBT, PTSD)