Identifying Shared Values

This worksheet is designed to help couples explore how understanding each other’s values and personal strengths can contribute to a stronger relationship. (0225, marriage therapy, couples therapy, values)

Coping with Regret and Guilt Following a Loss

Many people experience regret and guilt after the death of a loved one. This worksheet offers a variety of suggestions to work through these difficult feelings from self-care exercises to joining a support group. (0225, healing, grief, loss)

Paying Attention to Time

This worksheet is designed to help children understand that it is important to be on time and also to learn to estimate the time for different tasks. It was designed for children with ADHD in mind, but it will be helpful for all children. (0225, ADHD, Attention Deficit Deficit Disorder, behavior)

Things You Learned In Grade School

This colorful worksheet asks people to think back and identify things they learned at an early age that still influence their behavior.  A great assignment to help people explore both positive and negative behaviors rooted in childhood. (0225, psychodynamic therapy, childhood influences, CBT, ACT)