Make Deposits into Your Psychological Bank Account

This worksheet is intended to help people manage their mental and emotional resources as part of a Wellness Plan. It helps them identify how to make “deposits” with self-care activities, positive relationships, and acquiring new psychological skills and to be aware of when they make “withdrawals” by overloading their lives with stress, accepting thoughts as true, or relying on self-defeating habits to cope with problems. (0724, wellness, stress, habits, lifestyle)

Children and End-of-Life Grief Rituals & Memorials

Created by the National Alliance for Children’s Grief, this booklet gives adults guidance on how to talk to kids and teens following the death of a loved one. It includes guidance on subjects like viewing the body, explaining what happens to the body, and how to involve children and teens in end-of-life rituals and memorials. This is a thoughtful and comprehensive guide with links to a variety of other resources. (0724, death, grief, grieving, loss, healing)

Using Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) Techniques to Heal from Trauma

This worksheet is intended to take people who have experienced trauma through the process of CPT including understanding thoughts and feelings associated with the trauma, writing about and discussing the experiences related to the trauma, challenging harmful beliefs related to the trauma, and developing more realistic thoughts. (0724, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, CPT)

Understanding and Managing Gambling (Teens)

This worksheet explains the many kinds of gambling activities that teens engage in and the problems that compulsive gambling can cause. The worksheet asks teens to honestly talk about their gambling habits and consider how gambling is affecting their mental health. It includes a chart to help teens understand the situations or emotions that can trigger their gambling and encourages them to consider substitute behaviors. (0724, gambling, compulsive gambling, behavior problems)