Compassionate Reframing

This worksheet is designed to help people reframe their self-criticism and develop a more compassionate attitude towards themselves. People are asked to think about the critical words they use to describe themselves and to substitute their put-downs with more compassionate thoughts. (self-esteem, self-talk, self-image, 1018)

Responding and Not Reacting to Feelings

This worksheet is designed to help people respond to difficult situations in a positive way rather than mindlessly reacting in ways that might be self-destructive or destructive to others. (0718, anger control, addictions, impulsivity)

Sex Addiction – Identifying Your Values

This worksheet is designed to help people recognize the impact of their sexual behaviors on their values. People are asked to write down what they value and think about they can take behaviors with their values. (relationships, sex addiction, marriage, couples therapy, values assessment 0518)

Handling Social Events That Might Trigger Addictions

This worksheet is designed to help people who have problems with alcohol and drug use prepare for social events. The worksheet helps people P.L.A.N., which means: prepare, listen, acknowledge, and say no. (addiction, substance abuse, 0218)

Breaking Free of Addiction Workbook

This therapy assignment workbook is designed to give people struggling with drug and alcohol use 42 tools to help them understand their problems and find permanent solutions that will enrich their lives.

Noticing Your Urges

This worksheet is designed to help clients who have drug and alcohol problems begin to notice their urges and cravings. (addictions, 1017)

Identifying Your Sex Addiction Triggers

This worksheet is designed to help individuals with a sex addiction identify the internal and external triggers that are associated with their addictive behavior. The worksheet also asks individuals to rate the force of the trigger and to think of a way to respond to each trigger with a positive non-sexual activity. (sex addiction, CBT, behavior training, 0517)

Practicing Self-Calming and Self-Caring Techniques

This worksheet is designed to encourage people to practice both self-care and self-calming techniques on a daily basis. The worksheet lists types of techniques are effective in each category and includes a form to record the use of these techniques for 21 days (the time it takes to form a habit). (PTSD, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, 0217)

Creating a Better Day

This worksheet is designed to help depressed people become more active by identifying and scheduling various meaningful activities they enjoy doing. (depression, CBT, wellness, 0217)

Developing Your Nurturing Inner Voice

This worksheet is designed to help people replace a critical inner voice with a more nurturing one. It asks the user to imagine a caring person in his or her life and internalize what this person is saying along with the feelings these statements engender. (PTSD, depression, CBT, 0117)

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