See the Big Picture

This worksheet is designed to help people regulate emotions by seeing the big picture rather than on just focusing on the negative aspects of a situation. The exercise is designed to help people evaluate problems accurately and objectively. (DBT, emotional regulation, 1019)

Understanding Family Roles When Drug and Alcohol Use Are a Problem

This worksheet can be used by clients to identify and track the various roles family members can assume when a loved one is experiencing problems with drinking or drug use. (addiction, alcohol abuse, drugs, 0919)

Recovering from Addiction with the HOPE Technique

This worksheet describes the HOPE Technique to help people in their recovery from addiction. The technique includes: healing, openness, patience, and openness. (alcohol addiction, drug addiction, healing, 0419)

DBT-Introduction to Emotional Regulation

This worksheet is designed to help people learn the DBT skills of identifying feelings, then observing and naming them as a way of helping to regulate emotions. (emotional regulation, depression, bi-polar disorder, 0419)

Treat Yourself Like a Good Friend

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the importance of self-compassion and to treat themselves as they would a good friend. (depression, anxiety, addiction, prevention, 032719)

What To Do If You Lie Too Much

This worksheet is designed for people who lie frequently and who wish to find a positive alternative to this behavior. (addiction, 0319)

Stretching Out of Your Comfort Zone

This worksheet is designed to help motivate people to change by moving out of their comfort zone. It can be useful with a variety of problems, from addictions to anxiety disorders. (motivation, 0219)

Stages of Change

This worksheets describes a 5-step model which can help people consider whether they are ready to make a significant change in their lives. (0119, motivation)

Does Technology Interfere with Your Relationship?

This worksheet is intended to help couples identify the ways that technology is affecting their relationship. It is also designed to help people identify concrete steps to change behaviors that can interfere with building a trusting and fulfilling relationship. (couples counseling, marital therapy, technology addiction, relationships, 1218)

Reasons Not to Use

This worksheet encourages people to make a list of the reasons that they shouldn’t be using alcohol or drugs if they have problems with addiction. They are encouraged to create a list that would be visually appealing so that they will look at it often. (1118)