Treat Yourself Like a Good Friend

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the importance of self-compassion and to treat themselves as they would a good friend. (depression, anxiety, addiction, prevention, 032719)

What To Do If You Lie Too Much

This worksheet is designed for people who lie frequently and who wish to find a positive alternative to this behavior. (addiction, 0319)

All About You, All About Me (Kids)

This activity is designed to help children learn about other children. It teaches the most basic empathy skill, showing interest in others. (social skills, Asperger Syndrome, 0219)

Do People Say You Talk Too Much?

This worksheet is designed to help people identify situations where excessive talking may be affecting their relationships and to help them learn conversational signals that can aid in more appropriate give and take conversations. (ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, relationships, social skills, 0219)

Controlling Your Impulsive Fire-Setting

This worksheet is designed to help people understand why fire setting of any kind is a serious problem and what they can do solve this problem. It includes a Four-Step Technique to help people control their impulses. (pyromania, impulsivity, 0119)

Commit to Change

This worksheet asks people to explore making positive changes in their lives by pledging to actively work toward their goals. People are asked to create a commitment statement using provided prompts, and then add statements that reflect their own unique needs. They then turn these statements into a commitment pledge.

How Do You View Yourself?

This worksheet is designed to help people develop a positive self-image using 12 assignments including developing a kinder inner voice, understanding what you can control and what you can’t, avoiding comparing yourself to others, and more. (self-esteem, positive psychology, depression, anxiety, 1218)

Increasing Your Self-Esteem

This worksheet is designed to help people identify ways to improve their self-image and reduce self-criticism. (self-esteem, positive psychology, depression, 1218)

Compassionate Reframing

This worksheet is designed to help people reframe their self-criticism and develop a more compassionate attitude towards themselves. People are asked to think about the critical words they use to describe themselves and to substitute their put-downs with more compassionate thoughts. (self-esteem, self-talk, self-image, 1018)

Two Week Sleep Diary

This recording form helps people keep track of their sleep patterns for two weeks as well as the activities that might have influenced their sleep. Developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (0818)