Making Good Choices (Kids)

This worksheet teaches children the importance of making good choices. (1222, decisions, problem-solving)

Positive Thinking Spinner (Kids)

Children are asked to cut out and create a Positive Thinking Spinner. They complete the question that comes up on the spinner. Children are also asked to identify people they know in their lives who are positive thinkers. (1122, positive thinking)

Emotions Poster

You can use this poster to help children identify and express their feelings. (1022. emotions, emotional intelligence, feelings)

Practicing Good Manners (Kids and Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help children understand the importance of having good manners in the home. It lists some important manners to show others that you consider their feelings. Questions ask kids and teens to consider how they would react in appropriate ways. (0422, ASD, ADHD, manners, behavior)

Helping Your Child with Daily Transitions

This worksheet is designed to help parents of children who have a difficult time with daily changes that triggers tantrums, whining, and meltdowns.  Twelve practical suggestions are listed for parents to try, including: making transitions a game, using positive reinforcement, and providing a transition object to teach kids self-soothing.  A chart is provided to help parents keep track of which activities are most effective. (0522, parenting, ASD, Autism, ADHD, inflexible, behavior problems)

How to Stop Yelling At Your Kids (Parenting)

This worksheet is designed to help parents who regularly find themselves yelling and shouting at their children. Yelling is not a form of discipline and in the long run, just pushes children away.  There are 11 strategies to try when yelling and shouting is a problem along with questions to help parents gain insight into their behavior. (0122, parenting, behavior problems, family therapy)

Everyone Gets Angry

This worksheet teaches children that people get angry to different degrees and in different ways. (1121, anger management, anger control, temper tantrums)

Handling Frustration

This worksheet gives kids an example of a student frustrated at school and asks students to think about what causes them frustration at school and what they can do about it. (ADHD, behavior, frustration, 1021)

Being a Good Listener (Kids)

This worksheet helps children understand the importance of good conversational skills. (1021, conversation, social skills, communication(

Building Your Confidence

This worksheet gives people ideas on how to improve their confidence by recognizing their skills and talents, understanding how a lack of confidence is holding them back, and creating a self-talk script. (1021)