The Stages of Change (Spanish)

This worksheets describes a 5-step model which can help people consider whether they are ready to make a significant change in their lives. (0119, motivation)

Suicide Prevention: Remove Things That Might Hurt You (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to be part of a Suicide Prevention Safety Plan. It asks people who have suicidal thoughts to identify the things in their lives that they might use to hurt themselves, to identify people who might help them, and to identify places they could go where they would feel safe. (0119, depression, self-harm)

Do You Dissociate or Disconnect from Yourself? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the nature of dissociative episodes where they feel confused about themselves and their identity. It also suggests ways to help them cope with the stress that might trigger these episodes. (Personality disorder, PTSD, disassociation, 0119)

Understanding How Social Media Affects Your Social Anxiety (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand how social media can affect their social anxiety. It asks people to keep track of the time they spend on social media and note the positive and negative effects it has on their real-life relationships. (1218)

Keeping A Worry Log (Spanish)

The first step to reducing your worrying is to understand this behavior better by identifying the kinds of things you worry about, what triggers them, and how much anxiety they cause you. This worksheet asks you to keep a record of you worries for a one-week period and determine if there are any patterns to your worries and your anxiety. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, 1218)

How Do You View Yourself? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people develop a positive self-image using 12 assignments including developing a kinder inner voice, understanding what you can control and what you can’t, avoiding comparing yourself to others, and more. (self-esteem, positive psychology, depression, anxiety, 1218)

Does Technology Interfere with Your Relationship? (Spanish)

This worksheet is intended to help couples identify the ways that technology is affecting their relationship. It is also designed to help people identify concrete steps to change behaviors that can interfere with building a trusting and fulfilling relationship. (couples counseling, marital therapy, technology addiction, relationships, 1218)

Curb Your Compulsion to Diminish Your Anxiety (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people get control over the compulsive behavior that they normally use to decrease their anxiety. It asks them to slowly reduce the time that they spent on their compulsive behaviors reinforcing the sense that they have control of their compulsions if they choose to exert it. (compulsions, OCD, 1218)

Recognize and Appreciate Your Resilience (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the concept of resilience and focus on the character traits that make them more resilient. (Solution-Focused, positive psychology, self-esteem, 1118)

Reasons Not to Use (Spanish)

This worksheet encourages people to make a list of the reasons that they shouldn’t be using alcohol or drugs if they have problems with addiction. They are encouraged to create a list that would be visually appealing so that they will look at it often. (1118)