Does Your Worrying Hurt You? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people determine whether their anxiety is affecting their physical health. The worksheet asks people to identify their physical health problems, note the frequency that these problems occur, and rate how these problems are affected by their worrying and anxiety. People are also asked to think about how changes in their health habits might improve their overall well-being. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, worry, 1119)

How Do Relationship Conflicts Affect Your Self-Image? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to assist people in recognizing when their self-image is negatively impacted by the conflicts in their relationship. People are asked to identify the negative self-statements they make after a conflict and the negative emotions these statements evoke. (relationships, couples therapy, marriage, self-esteem, 0518)

Using I Statements to Communicate Effectively (Spanish)

This worksheet teaches people to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs more directly using “I” statements. (communication, interpersonal effectiveness, DBT, 1019)

Responding to Relationship Abuse (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help someone identify relationship abuse and to find immediate help and support (1019)

See the Big Picture (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people regulate emotions by seeing the big picture rather than on just focusing on the negative aspects of a situation. The exercise is designed to help people evaluate problems accurately and objectively. (DBT, emotional regulation, 1019)

Practicing Radical Acceptance (Spanish)

This worksheet, derived from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), is designed to help people accept the reality of difficult situations that cause overwhelming emotions. The technique asks people to stay in the present and be self-aware, rather than trying to avoid emotions, blame others, and so on. (grief, bipolar, depression, addiction, 1019)

How to Organize Your Stuff (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help adults identify ways to deal with disorganization. (ADHD, disorganization, 1019)

Fighting Depression Score Card (Spanish)

This worksheet challenges depressed clients to do 10 things each day to fight their depression and to keep track of their behaviors and moods for a month. The suggested activities are known to increase mood elevating biochemicals in the brain. The activities will also help people with anxiety and other mental health problems (1019).

Understanding Family Roles When Drug and Alcohol Use Are a Problem (Spanish)

This worksheet can be used by clients to identify and track the various roles family members can assume when a loved one is experiencing problems with drinking or drug use. (addiction, alcohol abuse, drugs, 0919)

Relying Your Problem-Solving Ability Even When You Feel Hopeless (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to stimulate coping mechanisms in people who feel hopeless, even to the point of being suicidal. The intention of the worksheet is to encourage people to develop a problem-solving attitude. The worksheet asks people to try out five popular problem-solving strategies and then see how often they can be used on a day-to-day basis. (problem-solving, executive functioning skills, coping skills, suicide, depression, 0919)

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