Do You Exercise Too Much? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people with an eating disorder see the problem with excessive exercise and to find ways to balance their lifestyle. (anorexia, over-exercise, eating disorders, 0919)

Confiar en su capacidad para resolver problemas incluso cuando se siente desesperado

Esta hoja de trabajo está diseñada para estimular los mecanismos de afrontamiento en las personas que se sienten desesperadas, incluso hasta el punto de ser suicidas. La intención de la hoja de trabajo es animar a las personas a desarrollar una actitud de resolución de problemas. En la hoja de trabajo se pide a las personas que prueben cinco estrategias populares de resolución de problemas y que luego comprueben la frecuencia con la que se pueden utilizar en el día a día. (resolución de problemas, habilidades de funcionamiento ejecutivo, habilidades de afrontamiento, suicidio, depresión, 0919)

Do Not Self Medicate with Alcohol or Drugs (Suicide Prevention) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people who are feeling hopeless and even suicidal avoid using alcohol or drugs to self-medicate. It asks them to look at situations that trigger their urge to self-medicate and to contact a supportive person to help them through this difficult time. (suicide prevention, depression, alcohol abuse, 0919)

Practicing Self-Compassion While You Grieve (Spanish)

This worksheet teaches people mindful self-compassion as a way to less their suffering while they grieve. (death, mourning, grief, loss, healing, 0819)

Keep Engaged with the People Around You (Suicide Prevention Plan) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to be part of a suicide prevention plan which should reduce risk and increase protective factors. (0819)

Understanding and Treating Depersonalization (Spanish)

Depersonalization is a subjective experience in which you perceive yourself as ‘unreal,’ and you may experience this if you have been subjected to temporary anxiety or stress. Chronic depersonalization may occur if you have experienced a severe trauma, or if you have been exposed to prolonged stress or anxiety. This worksheet is designed to help clients understand how depersonalization is affecting their lives and identify techniques to address it. (trauma, PTSD, 0719)

Treat Yourself Like a Good Friend (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the importance of self-compassion and to treat themselves as they would a good friend. (depression, anxiety, addiction, prevention, 032719)

How Does Stress Affect Your Eating Habits? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people see the relationship between stress and their eating habits. It asks them to identify the stresses that triggers their unhealthy eating and consider other ways to cope with stress. (0719, eating disorders, binge eating, stress, overeating)

Mindful Meditation 101 (Spanish)

This worksheet introduces the concepts of formal and informal mindful meditation. (0719, essential, DBT)

Improving Your Sleeping Habits for Better Health (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people find strategies to have a better night’s sleep in order to improve their physical and mental health. (sleep, insomnia, 1219)

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