Recovering from Addiction with the HOPE Technique (Spanish)

This worksheet describes the HOPE Technique to help people in their recovery from addiction. The technique includes: healing, openness, patience, and openness. (alcohol addiction, drug addiction, healing, 0419)

Making a Simple Request (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people get more of what they need learning how to make appropriate simple requests. This a DBT technique intended to help people develop their personal effectiveness. (DBT, assertiveness, 0419)

Creating a Crisis Survival Plan (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people create a Crisis Survival Plan for when their regular coping skills and strategies don’t work. (DBT, suicide, self-harm, self-injury, 0419)

What to Do If You Find Yourself Lying Too Much (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed for people who lie frequently and who wish to find a positive alternative to this behavior. (addiction, 0319)

Own Your Thoughts (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people with obsessive thoughts understand the power they give to their thoughts, separate the interpretation of the thought from the thought itself, and reframe thoughts so that they are more realistic. (OCD, 0319, intrusive thoughts)

Eating a Mindful Meal (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people with eating problems pay attention to their eating and develop healthier eating habits. It introduces the concept of mindful eating and asks people to practice this throughout the week. (0319, eating disorders, binge eating, anorexia, mindfulness)

Do You Often Feel Guilty or Ashamed? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people who are overwhelmed with guilt and shame. It helps people examine the causes of these feelings and what they can do to get closure. It also teaches the concept of self-compassion. (depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, guilt, shame, self-compassion, 0319)

Understanding Body Language (Spanish)

This worksheet is intended to introduce the concept of interpreting body language in interpersonal communication. The worksheet asks people to consider the meaning of body language in their own communication as well as in the communication of others. (communication, marriage, divorce, relationships, 1219)

Talking About Your Sexual Needs with Your Partner (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people talk about their sexual needs and desires with a partner, rather than keeping them secret. (couples, communication, intimacy, sexuality, 0219)

Probable or Possible? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people develop more realistic thinking about the probability of their worries really happening. (0219)