
Studies tell us that when professionals prescribe therapeutic homework, clients report significantly better outcomes. Our worksheets are derived from evidence-based therapies, and they are designed by experienced professionals. Use the navigation links on the left of this page to view tools in a specific category. Or use the search box at the top of this page to find the exact tool you are looking for.

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Create a Simple Family Genogram

This worksheet for teens is designed to help them talk and accept difficult feelings related to changes in their families. (0322, teen anxiety, teen depression, resiliency, positive thinking)

Helping Your Child Adjust Following Separation and Divorce

This worksheet is designed to help parents think about how the things they can do to help their children adjust to a separation or divorce. There are eight specific suggestions plus questions which can help parents prepare for difficult conversations.  (0322, parenting, divorce)

Do You Complain Too Much About Your Divorce?

This worksheet is designed to help people going through divorce understand if their constant complaining is getting in the way of their growth.  It suggests a 6-step process for people to better understand their complaining and how it can interfere with their relationships. (0322, divorce, communication, relationships)

Become the O.W.N.E.R. of Your Distressing Feelings – A Technique for Dealing with Divorce

This technique uses the acronym OWNER to teach a five-step process for people to deal with the difficult feelings that accompany a divorce.  A chart is included to help people keep track of which techniques are most helpful. (0622, divorce, emotional regulation)

Coping with the Stress of Uncertainty

This worksheet provides 22 ways to help people deal with the uncertainty generated by the daily news of difficult times. A chart is included to help people record the techniques they use and the results. (0322, distress tolerance, DBT, uncertainty, economy, war)

Building Inner Strengths (Mindful Awareness)

This Mindfulness worksheet asks people to examine their inner strengths as they relate to conversations, action, relationships, and so on. It asks them to think about how each strength was used and what they learned from “being mindful” of their strengths.  (0322, mindfulness, character strengths, positive thoughts)

Moving On After a Loss

This worksheet is designed to help people who experienced a loss “move forward with hope for the future.”  The worksheet gives specific ideas on what a person can do to move on and provides a chart for them to keep track of the activities they tried and how it made them feel. (0322, healing, grief, loss, mourning)

How to Stop Feeling “Stuck”

Many people have the feeling of being “stuck” in their lives.  This worksheet gives people practical ways to make the changes they need to feel they are making progress toward their life goals and feel that their lives are valuable and fulfilling. (0322, depression, happiness, transition)

Helping Your Child Cope with a Loss

This worksheet is designed to give parents an overview of things they should do, and not do, in helping their children cope with a significant loss.  It includes a family drawing activity to children talk about their feelings. (0322, loss, grief, mourning)

“Spring Clean” Your Life

This worksheet suggests taking a look at your life the way you might take a look decluttering and cleaning your home.  Suggestions include cleaning up finance, thinking about how you handle elations, reviewing core values, and much more.  The worksheet encourages people to set three goals to work on for their “mental health Spring cleaning.” (0322, coaching, well-being, reflection)