
Studies tell us that when professionals prescribe therapeutic homework, clients report significantly better outcomes. Our worksheets are derived from evidence-based therapies, and they are designed by experienced professionals. Use the navigation links on the left of this page to view tools in a specific category. Or use the search box at the top of this page to find the exact tool you are looking for.

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Healing Your Relationship After Infidelity

This worksheet is designed to help couples build trust by committing to specific activities. The worksheet also lists do’s and don’ts to remember in rebuilding a relationship. (marriage counseling, infidelity, couples therapy, 0720)

Remembering a Loved One on the Anniversary of Their Death

This worksheet suggests activities that can help with the grieving process of individuals and families (grief, loss, mourning, rituals, 0720)

Coping with Face Mask Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people who find that wearing a face mask causing them stress and anxiety. It presents different ways to make wearing a mask more pleasant and urges them to face their fears by gradually wearing a mask more and more each day. (pandemic, COVID-19, anxiety, exposure therapy, 0920)

Reducing Stress by Organizing Your Paperwork

This worksheet is designed to help people develop a system for organizing paperwork and mail. The practical suggestions are intended to help people reduce the stress and frustration caused when paperwork just piles up. (ADHD, Executive Functioning Disorder, organization, stress, 0720)

The Problem with Being a People Pleaser

This worksheet is designed to help people who put pleasing others as more important as trying to fulfill their own needs and desires. The worksheet helps people understand how people pleasing can be a problem and gives them specific ways to practice balancing their own needs with the needs of others. (assertiveness, depression, self-esteem, self-image, 0720)

Practicing Forgiveness

This worksheet gives couples the tools they need to understand and practice forgiveness. (0720, marriage counseling, couples therapy, relationships)

Limiting Your Exposure to News to Improve Your Mood

This worksheet is designed to help people understand how constantly watching news can influence their mood. The worksheet gives suggestions on how to break the habit of watching news and gives a chart to help people see how cutting down on news can made a difference in their lives. (anxiety, depression, pandemic, COVID-19, positive psychology, 0720)

Coping with Sleep Problems During the Pandemic

This worksheet is intended to help people understand the reasons they are having more sleep problems and teaches them a technique of focusing on their feelings during the day, rather than dwelling on them at night (sleep disorder, pandemic, COVID-19, mindfulness, insomnia, 0720)

Couples Communication Workbook

The workbook provides couples with therapeutic homework assignments to help build a foundation for a happier and more fulfilling relationship. In completing these assignments, couples can rehearse new communication strategies and challenge harmful beliefs, strengthening the insights that surface during counseling sessions. This book offers fifty-two worksheets that will help couples learn strategies to manage their emotions in constructive ways, instead of turning to behaviors that erode their relationship.

Getting Organized with the 3-Card Technique

This worksheet teaches people with ADHD a simple technique using index cards to organize their things.
(executive functioning disorder, ADHD, organization, 0720)