Anger Control
Thinking About Others When You Have A Problem

This worksheet is designed to help individuals see the value of helping others in modifying their emotions.

Identifying Emotional Abuse

This worksheet is designed to help people identify emotional abuse in their own behavior or the behavior of others. (emotional abuse, relationships)

How to Take a Time Out When Arguing

This worksheet is designed to help people know when arguing is unproductive and they need to take a time-out. (conflict management, relationships, problem-solving)

Identifying Your Support System

This worksheet is designed to help people identify a support system of individuals they can contact in times of emotional distress. (support system, social networks, depression, stress management)

Making Positive Statements About Yourself

This worksheet encourages people to make positive statements about themselves.

Pushing Your Anger Buttons

This worksheet is designed to help people identify situations or events that trigger their anger.

Emotions Below the Tip of The Iceberg

This worksheet is designed to help people identify emotions they hide from others. (emotional intelligence, feelings, relationships, 0214)

The Anger Volcano

This worksheet is designed to help people see the feelings and events that can lead up to an “explosion” of anger.

Anger & Gender

This worksheet is designed to help people see the role of gender in expressing anger. (anger, gender issues, 0214)

Asking For and Giving Forgiveness

This worksheet helps people think about the importance of forgiveness in their relationships.