Anger Control
If the Problem Were a TV Show

This worksheet is a Narrative Therapy technique which can be used to help clients get more perspective on their presenting problem and see that they have the power to change their “life story.” (narrative, therapy, problem-solving, 1114)

The Tree of LIfe

This exercise is designed to help clients communicate positive aspects about their lives. The technique is derived from Narrative Therapy. (1114)

Learning To Self-Soothe

This worksheet is designed to help individuals learn emotional regulation skills. The worksheet asks people to identify activities they can do to calm their emotions and then rate the success of each technique. (DBT, emotion regulation, 0614)

Practicing Assertive Communication

This worksheet helps clients to identify a conflict, describe it in nonjudgmental terms, explain how the other person’s behavior has affected them, and ask for a specific response.

How Do You Deal With Conflicts?

This short questionnaire gives clients the opportunity to identify their behaviors and attitudes as assertive, aggressive, passive, or passive-aggressive, and provides some information about conflict strategies. (conflict management, communication)

Show Your Feelings Role Play Games

Get people talking about their feelings with three “cut and tape” dice games. These games are fun to play and a great way to encourage kids, teens, or even adults to talk about their feelings.

Motivational Bookmarks

These bookmarks can be used to remind clients about the importance of self-encouragement. PDF

What Triggers Your Explosive Behaviors?

This worksheet is designed to help individuals keep a log of their strong emotions and the events that precede angry feelings and explosive outbursts. (anger issues)

Ways to Control Your Meltdowns

This checklist is designed to be a daily reminder of the most appropriate ways that a person can reduce stress and the build-up of strong emotions. PDF

Are You Explosive At Work?

This worksheet has been designed to help people recognize the degree to that their sudden anger or other strong emotions will affect them at work. (anger issues, 0214)