Anxiety Disorders
Improving Emotional Regulation by Improving Your Health

This worksheet is designed to help people see the relationship between their lifestyle and physical health and their ability to regulate their emotions. (DBT, 1119, anxiety, depression)

Fighting Depression Score Card

This worksheet challenges depressed clients to do 10 things each day to fight their depression and to keep track of their behaviors and moods for a month. The suggested activities are known to increase mood elevating biochemicals in the brain. The activities will also help people with anxiety and other mental health problems (1019).

The PTSD Workbook

This groundbreaking workbook provides over 50 worksheets and exercises to treat people who have experienced a mild to significant trauma. The workbook provides tools to handle symptoms like hallucinations, impulsivity, sexual dysfunction, derealization, and more. It goes on to help people develop the psychological skills to lead a joyful and fulfilling life.

See the Big Picture

This worksheet is designed to help people regulate emotions by seeing the big picture rather than on just focusing on the negative aspects of a situation. The exercise is designed to help people evaluate problems accurately and objectively. (DBT, emotional regulation, 1019)

Practicing Radical Acceptance

This worksheet, derived from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), is designed to help people accept the reality of difficult situations that cause overwhelming emotions. The technique asks people to stay in the present and be self-aware, rather than trying to avoid emotions, blame others, and so on. (grief, bipolar, depression, addiction, 1019)

Mindful Meditation 101

This worksheet introduces the concepts of formal and informal mindful meditation. (0719, essential, DBT)

Identifying the Social Situations that Cause You Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety see that they don’t react to all situations the same way. It asks them to rate the intensity of their anxiety in different situations and also to examine how they cope with situations that cannot be avoided (social anxiety, 0519)

Practicing Being Imperfect

This worksheet is designed to help people take more social risks. Many people with social anxiety dread that they will embarrass themselves in public. This worksheet asks them to choose three situations where they deliberately make a social mistake in order to see that others really don’t care. (social anxiety, shyness, thought distortion, exposure therapy, 0520)

Tolerating Uncertainty in Social Situations

This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety learn tolerate the uncertainty of many social situations. The worksheet uses the technique of systematic exposure to help people gradually accept the fact that they can cope with or adapt to almost any situation. (social anxiety, 0519)

Regulating Emotions with Mandalas

This worksheet introduces people to the concept of Mandalas to manage their emotions. (bipolar, depression, anxiety, 0519)