Anxiety Disorders
Are You Oversensitive to Criticism?

This worksheet is designed to people identify situations where they are oversensitive to criticism and to develop strategies for countering that pattern. (social anxiety, shyness, criticism, 1218)

Understanding How Social Media Affects Your Social Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people understand how social media can affect their social anxiety. It asks people to keep track of the time they spend on social media and note the positive and negative effects it has on their real-life relationships. (1218)

Do Some Good Pocket Guide

This pocket guide from the UK Mental Health Association has some great ideas to help people help others. It also reviews studies showing how acts of altruism increases our own mental health. (altruism, RAOK, 0111)

Keeping A Worry Log

The first step to reducing your worrying is to understand this behavior better by identifying the kinds of things you worry about, what triggers them, and how much anxiety they cause you. This worksheet asks you to keep a record of you worries for a one-week period and determine if there are any patterns to your worries and your anxiety. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, 1218)

Does Your Anxiety Make You Depressed?

This worksheet is designed to help people with anxiety disorders determine if they also need to seek treatment for depression. It explains the major symptoms of depression and links to an online screening for depression. It also asks people to keep track of how often they do activities that bring meaning to their lives and to assess the level of difficulty of this task as a possible indicator of depression. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, 1118)

Does Your Worrying Hurt You?

This worksheet is designed to help people determine whether their anxiety is affecting their physical health. The worksheet asks people to identify their physical health problems, note the frequency that these problems occur, and rate how these problems are affected by their worrying and anxiety. People are also asked to think about how changes in their health habits might improve their overall well-being. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, worry, 1119)

Dealing Effectively with Authority Figures

This worksheet is designed to help people reflect on how they deal with authority figures. It asks people to consider how they have dealt with authority figures as far back as their childhood, and how they are dealing with authority figures in the present. The worksheet also suggests a number of simple assertive techniques. (social anxiety, passivity, shyness, workplace issues, relationships, 1118).

5 Steps to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts

This worksheet is designed to help people find a way to deal with recurring intrusive thoughts. It asks people to learn and practice a 5-step procedure of accepting rather than fighting their thoughts. (anxiety, GAD, OCD, 1118)

Reducing Your Self-Consciousness in Social Situations

This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety overcome their self-consciousness in social situations. It is designed to help people pay attention to what is happening around them rather than just on their inner experiences. (social anxiety, shyness, self-esteem, 1118)

Compassionate Reframing

This worksheet is designed to help people reframe their self-criticism and develop a more compassionate attitude towards themselves. People are asked to think about the critical words they use to describe themselves and to substitute their put-downs with more compassionate thoughts. (self-esteem, self-talk, self-image, 1018)