Anxiety Disorders
Learning to Focus On Your World Rather Than Your Anxious Thoughts

This worksheet is designed to help people overcome their anxiety by practicing mindfulness, paying attention to their world through all five senses. (GAD, 0818, intrusive thoughts)

Fill Your Mind with Positive Thoughts to Reduce Your Anxiety

This worksheet asks people to choose from a list of topics and keep a journal of positive thoughts for two weeks. They are then asked to think about whether this activity helps them reduce their stress and/or anxiety. (GAD, anxiety, worry, 0818)

Using Visual Metaphors to Accept Your Worries and Distressing Thoughts

This worksheet is designed to help people accept their worries and other distressing thoughts. It may seem counter-intuitive, but therapists advise their clients not to try and stop their worrying or other intrusive thoughts, but rather to accept them while emotionally detaching from their content. This worksheet teaches people how to use visual metaphors to accomplish this. Four visual metaphors include: Don’t Struggle in Quicksand, Ignore Annoying Passengers in Your Car, Watching the Worry Train, and Clouds Floating By. (GAD, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, 0818)

Consider Pet Therapy

This worksheet can help people understand the mental health benefits of owning a pet or even being around pets. The worksheet will help them decide if owning a a pet is a commitment they want to make. (0918)

Responding and Not Reacting to Feelings

This worksheet is designed to help people respond to difficult situations in a positive way rather than mindlessly reacting in ways that might be self-destructive or destructive to others. (0718, anger control, addictions, impulsivity)

Your Greatest Success

Researchers tell us that it is easier to recall negative events than positive ones. This tendency can exacerbate psychological problems like anxiety and depression. This worksheet is designed to help you remember your important successes and how you achieved them. (positive psychology, values, self-esteem, 0716)

Does Your Worrying Help You?

This worksheet is designed to help people determine how their worrying is affecting their lives. (anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, GAD, worry, 0718)

Taking a Noticing Walk

This exercise is intended to teach people the concept of mindfulness. It can help people see how easy it is to integrate mindfulness into their daily lives. (anxiety, depression, stress, 0518)

Using Your Character Strengths to Solve Your Problems

This worksheet asks people to identify all of their character strengths and then pick one which could be helpful in solving a predominant problem. (CBT, DBT, 0418)

Understanding How Triggers Affect Your Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help understand how anticipated events, physical sensations, thoughts and memories, can interconnect and trigger anxiety reactions. (GAD, 0318).