Anxiety Disorders
Are You a Hoarder?

This worksheet is designed to help people determine if they have a problem with hoarding and to learn initial strategies for cutting back on their need to acquire and collect objects, (0119)

Using Opposite Action to Deal with Difficult Emotions

This worksheet is designed to teach people the DBT skill of “opposite action” where you practice the opposite behavior that you would normally use when dealing with powerful emotions. (emotional regulation, 0119)

Do You Dissociate or Disconnect from Yourself?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the nature of dissociative episodes where they feel confused about themselves and their identity. It also suggests ways to help them cope with the stress that might trigger these episodes.

Connecting Your Thoughts to Your Feelings

This worksheet asks people to track their thoughts and see how they are connected to their feelings. (depression, anxiety, 0119)

Are You Anxious About Going Out on a Date?

This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety use exposure therapy to overcome their worries about going out on a date. (1218)

Exposure Therapy for People Anxious About Being the Center of Attention

This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety tolerate being the center of attention. It uses exposure therapy as a way for people to learn to face and overcome their fears. (1218)

Curbing Your Compulsive Behavior

This worksheet is designed to help people get control over the compulsive behavior that they normally use to decrease their anxiety. It asks them to slowly reduce the time that they spent on their compulsive behaviors reinforcing the sense that they have control of their compulsions if they choose to exert it. (compulsions, OCD, 1218)

How Do You View Yourself?

This worksheet is designed to help people develop a positive self-image using 12 assignments including developing a kinder inner voice, understanding what you can control and what you can’t, avoiding comparing yourself to others, and more. (self-esteem, positive psychology, depression, anxiety, 1218)

Getting Control of Your Finances

Financial problems often contribute to psychological and interpersonal problems. This worksheet is designed help you identify the financial problems that are causing you stress and to develop a plan to address these problems. (depression, anxiety, addiction, 2018)

Increasing Your Self-Esteem

This worksheet is designed to help people identify ways to improve their self-image and reduce self-criticism. (self-esteem, positive psychology, depression, 1218)