Anxiety Disorders
Tolerating Uncertainty

Most people simply accept uncertainty as a natural part of life, but people with anxiety disorders find it hard to accept uncertainty, particularly in certain situations. This worksheet is designed to help people tolerate uncertainty by using a five-step mindfulness technique that can help disengage from anxious thoughts and face uncertain situations without turning to others for help. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, exposure, 1018)

How Do Your Worries Affect Others?

This worksheet is designed to help people see how their excessive worrying and anxiety is affecting those around them. It explains the different ways that excessive worry can affect friends, relatives, and co-workers, and includes an “Empathy Test” designed to help people see how others view them. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, worry, 1018)

Altering Your OCD Rituals

This worksheet is designed to hep people with OCD decrease their compulsive need for symmetry by changing their usual rituals. (1018, anxiety disorders)

Reducing Over-Stimulation to Focus on Yourself

This worksheet is designed to help people reduce stress in their lives by paying attention to how much time they spend emailing, using social media, and participating in listening and watching various media. (101518, mindfulness, anxiety)

Measuring Your Distress in Social Situations

This worksheet is design to help people identify the 20 social situations that cause them the greatest anxiety and rate them using the SUDS scale (Subjective Units of Distress). (social anxiety, exposure therapy, 1018)

Identifying Your Fears in Social Situations

This worksheet is designed to help people identify their thoughts about the worst things that could happen in various social situations. The worksheet also asks people to think about other possible outcomes. (social anxiety, 1018)

You Do Not Have to Be Perfect

The objective of this worksheet is to deliberately do something that would be considered socially inappropriate and to tolerate the discomfort this causes. (social anxiety, exposure therapy, perfectionism, fear, 1018)

Overcoming OCD Therapy Assignment Workbook

This complete therapy assignment workbook will be useful in a comprehensive treatment plan for people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The 180-page manual takes a comprehensive approach to treating OCD, drawing from CBT, ACT, and behavioral therapy.

Overcoming Your Fear of Blood and Needles

This worksheet teaches people the Applied Tension Technique which can be used to prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure which can cause fainting. The technique was developed for people with a fear of blood and injections and with practice can help overcome this phobia. (0918, simple phobias)

Are Your Worries Realistic?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand that the laws of probability, not their anxiety, will influence how people behave. The worksheet asks the user to identify one current worry and look at nine possible outcomes, some good and some bad, and then determine the probability for each outcome. (GAD, 0918)