Anxiety Disorders
Mindful Meditation – Letting Your Worries Go

This worksheet encourages people to be mindful of their worries and fears while relaxing with a coloring activity. The process of coloring seems to have a soothing effect on many people and may stimulate biochemical in the brain which help control emotions. (mindfulness, anxiety, 1115)

Handling Your Stress Buttons

This worksheet is designed to help people identify the things that cause them stress and develop strategies to reduce each stressor. (stress management, 1115)

Just Scribble

This worksheet can be used for two purposes: to help people relax when anxious or stressed and to help people think about their feelings. PDF (1116, relaxation, insight)

Just 3 Words

This worksheet is designed to help people gain insight into their values and how they incorporate them into their daily lives. (values, 1112, ACT)

Creating Your Future

This worksheet is designed to help individuals think about their future and see that they have the power to create the kind of lives they want. (quick, 1015, values clarification, goal-setting, motivation)

Your Most Memorable Dream

There are some dreams you find hard to forget. What makes these dreams so memorable? This worksheet can help you find out. (quick, 1015)

Write a Letter to Your Panic Attack

This worksheet can help people see that Panic Attacks are not inevitable. The exercise asks people to write a letter to their Panic Attack, helping them see that “they are not the problem, the Panic Attacks are the problem.” PDF (Narrative Therapy, 1015)

Be Aware of Your Strengths

This worksheet is designed to help people see how their character strengths can be important in seeing solutions to daily problems. PDF (ACT, problem-solving, 1015)

Make an Appointment to Worry

This technique can help people gain control over their obsessive worrying. (anxiety disorders, worry, CBT, 0915)

Understanding Your Social Anxiety

This form is designed to help people record the things that trigger their social anxiety as well as their reactions. Type:PDF (0915)