Anxiety Disorders
Acts of Kindness Lead to Happiness

This worksheet can be used to help people who have mild to moderate depression, or for people who are not clinically depressed but who are seeking a happier and more fulfilling life. (RAOK, positive psychology, resilience, depression)

Motivational Bookmarks

These bookmarks can be used to remind clients about the importance of self-encouragement. PDF

Knowing Your Positive Qualities

This worksheet will help clients with depression, anxiety, or self-esteem issues identify their positive qualities. (self-esteem, anxiety, depression, 0814)

Controlling your Checking Behavior

This form is designed for people with anxiety disorders to keep track of their checking behaviors for one week. Form Type: PDF

Breaking a Problem or Task Into Small Steps

This worksheet will help people who having a difficult time solving a problem or are procrastinating about a particular task.

Creating a Gratitude Journal

This research-based worksheet can be used to treat mild depression and help people through difficult times. (gratitude, journaling, depression, 0614)

Recording and Changing Pessimistic Thoughts

This worksheet can be used to help people understand how pessimistic thinking is affecting their mental health. It is designed to record and change faulty thinking in a single day. PDF

Rating Symptoms of Panic Attack

This assessment tool asks clients to rate the severity of their common symptoms. PDF

Finding People with Common Interests

This worksheet is designed to help people expand their social network by finding people in common interest groups. (resilience, support systems, stress management, social skills, 0321)

Identifying Your Support System

This worksheet is designed to help people identify a support system of individuals they can contact in times of emotional distress. (support system, social networks, depression, stress management)