Anxiety Disorders
Do One Thing Differently

Clients learn to re-orient their thinking. (1121, problem-solving, solutions, depression, anxiety)

Using Reality Testing in Everyday Situations

This worksheet teaches a 3-step process to help people judge situations appropriately, gain insight into their thought processes, compare their inner world to the external world, and more. It’s designed to help people be objective, seek the perspective of others, and pay attention to reactions. (1121, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, anxiety disorders, awareness)

Do You Sometimes Feel Detached From Yourself?

This worksheet is designed to help people cope with depersonalization, when a person has an experience of feeling detached from his/her own body, thoughts, or feelings.  The worksheet presents a variety of techniques to cope with this feeling and a chart to keep track of whether these techniques are successful. (1121, depersonalization, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, psychosis, psychotic)

What to Do If You Want to Take a Break From Medication

This worksheet is intended to help people determine if they are ready to take a break from psychiatric medication. It provides important steps to take in considering this decision as well as a chart to keep track of moods and symptoms.

Calming Your Body Meditation (audio)

This 13-minute audio can be used to help people with a variety of concerns and problems. This
type of audio triggers the “relaxation response” in the brain, which has been shown to lower
blood pressure and heart rate and produce biochemicals in the brain associated with feelings of
calm and well-being. Practicing relaxation techniques on a regular basis may have a variety of
additional health benefits. The worksheet includes a chart for clients to keep track of how often they practice relaxation exercises and the effect on their mood. (0723, relaxation, stress, audio)

Calming Your Body with Progressive Relaxation

This worksheet helps people learn and practice progressive muscle relaxation, a technique that involves tensing specific muscle groups and then relaxing them. (100721, relaxation, progressive relaxation)

Building Your Confidence

This worksheet gives people ideas on how to improve their confidence by recognizing their skills and talents, understanding how a lack of confidence is holding them back, and creating a self-talk script. (1021)

Developing Your Growth Mindset

This worksheet is designed to help people understand a “growth mindset,” staying positive even in the face of obstacles or mistakes. It helps people differentiate between self-statements that hold them back compared to self-statements that keep them moving forward. (0621, growth mindset, positive thinking, simple solutions)

Choosing the Best Breathing Technique to Calm Your Anxiety

This worksheet teaches people four different breathing techniques that can be used to help calm anxiety. (0621)

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the importance of getting enough sleep. It gives people strategies to get more sleep and a form to record their sleeping habits for a week.