Anxiety Disorders
Enchanted Forest Meditation (Kids Audio)

This 9-minute audio can help children practice mindfully breathing while relaxing and listening to a guided meditation. (0723. anxiety, fears, relaxation, meditation)

Mood Crew Workbook

Created by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, this workbook provides stories, coloring activities, dialogues, and other activities to help children learn about basic emotions. (0223, emotions, emotional intelligence, depression, worries)

Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED)

There are two assessments, one for children (8 to 12) to answer directly and one for parents. There is a general score for the indication of an anxiety disorder as well as sub-scores for the presence of Panic Disorder, GAD Separation Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and School Avoidance. (1022, child anxiety, assessment, screening)

Are You Afraid of Throwing Up? (Ages 10 to 18)

This worksheet for older children and teens is designed to teach them the exposure method of conquering a fear of throwing up. (0922, phobia, vomiting)

Thinking About Trust (Children)

This worksheet helps children understand the nature of trust.  It asks them to identify people with whom they feel safe; people who are on their side; people who encourage them; and people with whom they can be themselves.  It’s a great opportunity to talk to children about trust and what it means. (0822, trust, trauma)

Childhood Trauma Symptom Checklist

This checklist can be used to keep track of symptoms that a child might be exhibiting due to trauma. The checklist asks a parent or caregiver to rate symptoms once a week on a 3-point scale. (0622, trauma, symptoms, PTSD, assessment)

Unload Your Problem Backpack (Kids and Teens)

This worksheet asks kids and teens to think about the problems, worries, and upsetting emotions that are “weighing them down.” It uses the metaphor of a Problem Background to help kids and teens identify the thoughts and feelings that are causing them problems and how to let them go. (0622 , depression, anxiety)

Staying Focused (Kids)

This worksheet teaches children the importance of being focused. (0921, ADHD, attention)

Your Body Your Feelings (Kids)

This worksheet is designed to help children understand the connection between their feelings and their body. (0421, anxiety, health issues, anger control)

Imagine the Problem is Already Solved

This Solution-Oriented Therapy technique is designed to help motivate people to solve their problems. (problem-solving, solution-oriented therapy, resilience, 0221)