Anxiety Disorders
Feelings Flash Cards

There are 13 Feelings Flash Cards representing 12 feelings and 1 “blank” face for adults or children to add their own feelings. You can make as many copies of the blank card as you like to add additional feelings. The cards come with discussion questions that can be used to begin conversations that spur emotional intelligence. (0218, depression, anxiety, communication)

Things That Make You Smile

This simple exercise encourages people to think about the things that make them smile and to practice “random smiling” through the day. In doing this, people can learn how easy it is to get in touch with their positive emotions. (art therapy, serotonin, 0118)

When Do You Need Help?

This worksheet is designed to help children think about when they should ask for help for a variety of problems. (1217, resiliency, prevention)

What You Need to Know About OCD

This brochure, produced by the International OCD Foundation, is a comprehensive overview of OCD covering common symptoms, facts about OCD, treatment options, how to choose a therapist and more. (0717)

Loving Kindness Meditation

This worksheet is designed to teach people the technique of Loving Kindness Meditation. Research suggests that this simple meditation can have a long term effect on people’s happiness. (ACT, meditation, happiness, mindfulness, depression, 0616)

Just Scribble

This worksheet can be used for two purposes: to help people relax when anxious or stressed and to help people think about their feelings. PDF (1116, relaxation, insight)

Write a Letter to Your Panic Attack

This worksheet can help people see that Panic Attacks are not inevitable. The exercise asks people to write a letter to their Panic Attack, helping them see that “they are not the problem, the Panic Attacks are the problem.” PDF (Narrative Therapy, 1015)

Taming Your Fear Monster

This worksheet is designed to help children recognize and talk about their fears and develop strategies to overcome them. Type: PDF 3pp. (CBT, 0915)

Create a Mandala

This simple art therapy exercise can help people get in touch with the feelings and can be used with clients to start a conversation about their self-image. Many therapists use this activity as part of a healing process. (art therapy, 0815)

Be a Superhero

This worksheet encourages people to think about the super powers they would like to have and how they would use them. (Art Therapy, Quick, 0815)