Anxiety Disorders
Emotions Below the Tip of The Iceberg

This worksheet is designed to help people identify emotions they hide from others. (emotional intelligence, feelings, relationships, 0214)

Learn About Feelings

Use this worksheet to help kids and teens talk about basic feelings.Form Type: PDF

Fighting in the Family

This story teaches children what they can do when there is excessive fighting in their family. PDF

Coping With Fear

This story is designed to help children overcome simple fears. Form Type: PDF

Making Friends

This worksheet is designed to help children identify the right people to make friends with. PDF

Create Your Own TV Show

This worksheet can give insight on how children perceive their families.

What Are You Afraid Of?

This worksheet asks children to draw the three things they are most afraid of.

When Do You Worry?

This worksheet will help people rate their worries at four times during the day (morning, afternoon, evening, and bedtime). (GAD, worry, anxiety)

Things That Cause You Stress

This worksheet is designed to help people identify things that cause stress and how these can be changed.

Changing Negative Thinking

This worksheet can be used to help older children and teens change dysfunctional negative thoughts to more positive ones. (0614)