Anxiety Disorders
What Happens When You Are Scared (Children/Teens)

This worksheet for children and young teens explains how their body reacts to fear or perceived danger. (0322, fear, phobia, mind-body, anxiety)

Coping with the Stress of Uncertainty

This worksheet provides 22 ways to help people deal with the uncertainty generated by the daily news of difficult times. A chart is included to help people record the techniques they use and the results. (0322, distress tolerance, DBT, uncertainty, economy, war)

Acceptance of Our Circumstances (Mindfulness)

This mindfulness worksheet helps people accept what happens to them in life, rather than dwelling on disappointment and resentment. (0322, mindfulness)

Treasure Mapping to Achieve Your Goal (teens)

This worksheet uses the concept of a treasure map to teach teens how they can identify and work towards their goals. (0222, goal setting, motivation, problem-solving)

Keeping Calm with Your Family (Teens)

This worksheet gives teens suggestions on how to keep calm when upsetting things happen in their families like arguments, pressures, and certain conversations. (0122, family therapy, family problems, conflict-resolution, self-calming)

Explaining the Physiological Effect of Fear and Anxiety (Female)

This infographic reflects a person’s automatic physiological reaction to the presence of something that is perceived as threatening or dangerous.  Useful for explaining the body’s reaction to stress, fear, or anxiety. (0122, stress, panic disorder, anxiety, fear, phobia)

Explaining the Body’s Reaction to Fear and Anxiety (Male)

This infographic reflects a person’s automatic physiological reaction to the presence of a something that is perceived as threatening or dangerous.  Useful for explaining the body’s reaction to stress, fear, or anxiety. (0122, stress, panic disorder, anxiety, fear, phobia)

Using the Belief-O-Meter to See That All Thoughts Are Not Facts

This worksheet is designed to help teens understand that just because they think something is real, that doesn’t mean it is a fact.  This cognitive-restructuring technique can be used to help teens deal with fears and anxiety. (2021, fears, anxiety, cognitive restructuring, CBT)

What is the Snowman Feeling?

This worksheet helps young teen explore their feelings and the nature of mixed feelings. (1221, middle school, feelings, emotions, emotional intelligence)

Boosting Your Confidence By Becoming a Positive Role Model (Teen)

This worksheet is designed to help teens see the advantages of being positive role models for others. (1121, self-image, self-esteem, role-model, behavior, shyness, anxiety)