Asperger Syndrome
Practicing Good Manners (Kids and Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help children understand the importance of having good manners in the home. It lists some important manners to show others that you consider their feelings. Questions ask kids and teens to consider how they would react in appropriate ways. (0422, ASD, ADHD, manners, behavior)

Helping Your Child with Daily Transitions

This worksheet is designed to help parents of children who have a difficult time with daily changes that triggers tantrums, whining, and meltdowns.  Twelve practical suggestions are listed for parents to try, including: making transitions a game, using positive reinforcement, and providing a transition object to teach kids self-soothing.  A chart is provided to help parents keep track of which activities are most effective. (0522, parenting, ASD, Autism, ADHD, inflexible, behavior problems)

Let’s Have a Laugh (Kids)

Humor is an important emotional intelligence skill and an important part of making and keeping friends. This worksheet asks children to jokes according to which are funny and which are not. It also asks them to write down jokes that they think are funny. (0222, humor, fun, play, emotional intelligence, social skills)

I Don’t Get Upset When I Make Mistakes

This short social story tells about a girl who finds a way to still have fun when she makes a mistake while baking with her sister. The worksheet includes follow-up questions about accepting and learning from mistakes. (0122, social stories, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD, social skills)

Everyone Gets Angry

This worksheet teaches children that people get angry to different degrees and in different ways. (1121, anger management, anger control, temper tantrums)

Being a Good Listener (Kids)

This worksheet helps children understand the importance of good conversational skills. (1021, conversation, social skills, communication(

Understanding Body Language (Kids)

This worksheet asks children to draw actors on stage expressing emotions without speaking. It is designed to be an introduction to understanding body language. (0521, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder)

The Gift of Caring Words (Kids)

This worksheet asks children to think about the importance of using caring words, particularly if another child is in distress (0321, empathy, behavior, ADHD, social skills)

Identifying Social Problems on the Problem Planet (Kids)

This worksheet asks children to think about the kinds of social problems that children may have (0221, social skills, ADHD, ASD)

Starting Conversations with Positive Comments and Compliments (Kids)

This simple board game gives children the chance to practice giving compliments to others. (social skills, making friend, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, behavior, conversation skills, game, 0221)