Asperger Syndrome
What Makes Friend Word Search

This worksheet is designed to help children understand the value of friendships. (emotional intelligence, social skills, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD).

You Can Have More Than One Feeling At A Time

This worksheet is designed to help children see that emotions can be complicated and even contradictory. The worksheet asks children to identify conflicting feelings in four situations and then to think of situations where they have had several different feelings at the same time. PDF (0316, emotional intelligence, emotions)

Tell The World!

This worksheet is designed to help people think about what is really important for them to communicate to others. It asks people to design a billboard for the world to see and to identify one specific person they want to read it. PDF (0316, art therapy, communication)

Listening During a Conversation

This worksheet is designed to help children understand appropriate conversational responses. (0216, conversation, social skills, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD)

Kindness – Pass it On Poster

This poster is designed to help people remember the importance of daily acts of kindness. (0715)

What Is In The Cave

This 3-part projective technique can be useful in assessing and treating children with fears and anxiety disorders. Form Type: PDF (0715)

Coping Cards

These Coping Cards can be used by people who want to replace negative behaviors with positive ones. A useful technique to help in breaking negative habits. Form Type: PDF (CBT, 0615)

Three Things That Are Important To You

This worksheet is designed to help kids think and talk about their values. Form Type: PDF (0618)

Talking to a Friend Who is Angry

This worksheet is designed to help children see the hidden rules about their social behavior. It specifically asks them to identify the hidden rules about how to approach a friend who is angry. The worksheet can be used to spark a conversation about hidden rules. (0515)

Be Considerate In Your Conversations

Some children are naturally empathetic, but many others have to be taught the importance of considering the feelings of others. This worksheet is designed to help children be more sensitive to how others may be feeling in a conversation. Form Type: PDF (0415)