When You are Supposed To Pay Attention

This worksheet will help kids and teens identify behaviors that distract others.PDF

What Makes Adults Mad?

This worksheet helps children think about things they might do to get adults mad. PDF

What Do You Want Your Teacher To Say?

This worksheet gives children the chance to talk about their relationship with their teacher.

Speaking Calmly to Get Attention

This story teaches children how to get an adult’s attention in an appropriate way.

Listening to Adult Directions

This story teaches about learning better behavior through a token reward program in school. Form Type:PDF

Learning Anger Control

This story teaches children appropriate ways to handle their anger. Form Type:PDF

Getting Ready For School

This worksheet is designed to help children and teens prioritize morning activities so that they can get to school on time. PDF

Following the Rules

This story helps children see the importance of following adult rules. Form Type: PDF

Getting Along With Others

This story helps children see the benefits of getting along with siblings and friends.

Fighting in the Family

This story teaches children what they can do when there is excessive fighting in their family. PDF