Give Yourself A Compliment

This simple technique asks people to think about something positive they did each day and give themselves a compliment. Recommended for anyone going through a difficult time, but particularly for people who are anxious or depressed. A positive attitude is an important part of good mental health. (quick, anxiety, depression, resilience, 1015)

Positive Discipline Workbook

Written by Mary Gosche at the University of Missouri Extension, this workbook is designed to teach parents the principles of positive discipline. The workbook can be used in parenting classes or as homework with individual parents. (0815)

Be a Superhero

This worksheet encourages people to think about the super powers they would like to have and how they would use them. (Art Therapy, Quick, 0815)

Kindness – Pass it On Poster

This poster is designed to help people remember the importance of daily acts of kindness. (0715)

Coping Cards

These Coping Cards can be used by people who want to replace negative behaviors with positive ones. A useful technique to help in breaking negative habits. Form Type: PDF (CBT, 0615)

Three Things That Are Important To You

This worksheet is designed to help kids think and talk about their values. Form Type: PDF (0618)

Be Considerate In Your Conversations

Some children are naturally empathetic, but many others have to be taught the importance of considering the feelings of others. This worksheet is designed to help children be more sensitive to how others may be feeling in a conversation. Form Type: PDF (0415)

Joining a Group

This worksheet is designed to teach children the best way to join a group of peers who are already engaged in conversation or an activity. This is often a problem for children with ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, or children with social anxiety. (ADHD, Asperger syndrome, ASD, social anxiety, 0315)

What Makes You Special?

This worksheet asks children to think about five things that make them unique. It can be used to help children understand their strengths and to spark a discussion about how everyone has special qualities. Form type: PDF (0215)

Learning To Help Others

This visual puzzle asks children to color in the kids in the lunchroom who are helping others. Form Type: PDF