Bipolar Disorder
Progressive Relaxation (Audio)

This 31-minute audio created by Dartmouth Health Service will people cope when they are feeling anxious or stressed. (0822, anxiety, relaxation techniques)

Learning How to Calm Down Quickly

This worksheet gives people simple ideas to turn off the “fight or flight” response.  A chart is included to help people keep track of which techniques are most effective. (0822, anxiety, calming, self-calming)

Grounding Meditation

This audio recorded by Dartmouth College Health Service can be used by people who feel overwhelmed by their emotions. It is just over 20 minutes long. (0822, audio, grounding, bipolar disorder, emotional regulation)

Practicing Self-Kindness

This worksheet encourages people to increase their kindness to themselves.  It gives 14 suggestions on how to increase self-compassion. (0822, self-care, self-compassion)

Overcoming Self-Doubt

This worksheet helps people tackle the problems of self-doubt and a lack of self-confidence. It suggests 13 strategies to overcome the effects of self-doubt.  Questions hep people think about things that trigger their self-doubt and beliefs about themselves which are self-limiting. (0822, confidence, assertiveness, relationships, motivation)

Dealing with a Manipulative Family Member

This worksheet is intended to help people explore what it means to be manipulated by someone else and how to respond appropriately to manipulation. (0822, family therapy, relationships, control)

Learning to Trust Others

This worksheet is designed to help people who have a difficult time trusting others. It begins with a list of statements about trust.  People who check more than five statements may have trouble trusting others.  The worksheet then suggests several activities to help people explore the issue of trust, including writing a letter to someone they distrust (it doesn’t have to be sent) and taking a “trust walk,” where each person takes a turn being blindfolded and led by the other. (0822, relationships, trust, family therapy)

Does Your Loved One Need an Intervention?

This worksheet is designed to help people identify when someone they love needs a mental health intervention.  The worksheet also takes people through the steps that occur during an intervention including identifying the resources needed and the consequences of what will happen if the person refuses to seek help. (0722, intervention, addiction, family therapy)

Improving Your Self-Awareness

This worksheet is designed to help people increase their self-awareness which can help in emotional regulation and in social interactions.  A chart is provided to help people keep track of their thoughts and feelings as they encounter challenging situations. (0722, self-awareness, insight, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, relationships)

Do You Have a Dysfunctional Family?

This worksheet helps people understand how their family of origin might have contributed to their current psychological problems.  It asks them to think about ways in which their family was unsupportive or even detrimental to their growth.  Questions help people explore how dysfunctional problems can come from different generations and manifest themselves in the present. (0722, family therapy, relationships, families)