You Can Have More Than One Feeling At a Time (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help children see that emotions can be complicated and even contradictory. The worksheet asks children to identify conflicting feelings in four situations and then to think of situations where they have had several different feelings at the same time. PDF

What Are Your Values? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help children think about the values that are important to themselves and others

What Do You Like About Your Friends? (Spanish)

This worksheet is intended to help children see the qualities they value most in their friends.

Don’t Put Yourself Down (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people stop putting themselves down with negative thoughts and statements. Clients are asked to make seven copies of the worksheet, and use one worksheet each day for a week. They are asked to cross out a penny each time they have a negative thought. By the end of the week, they should still have all the pennies in the jar on their worksheet.

Helping Others Feel Better (Spanish)

This worksheet asks children to think about what they can say to others to help them feel better when they are upset.

¿Cuáles son sus valores?

valores importantes y por qué son importantes.

Learning to apologize (Spanish)

This worksheet asks kids to write simple apology notes asking what they can do to make things better.

Meet me in the middle (Spanish)

This exercise is designed to help children discuss the value of making compromises

When friends get angry (Spanish)

This fill-in-the-blank worksheet is designed to help children think about solutions when their friends get angry.

What do you have in common with the people you know (Spanish)

This worksheet asks children to think about common interests they have with people they know. Common interests are the basis of making friends.

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