
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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How to Stop Feeling “Stuck”

Many people have the feeling of being “stuck” in their lives.  This worksheet gives people practical ways to make the changes they need to feel they are making progress toward their life goals and feel that their lives are valuable and fulfilling. (0322, depression, happiness, transition)

Helping Your Child Cope with a Loss

This worksheet is designed to give parents an overview of things they should do, and not do, in helping their children cope with a significant loss.  It includes a family drawing activity to children talk about their feelings. (0322, loss, grief, mourning)

“Spring Clean” Your Life

This worksheet suggests taking a look at your life the way you might take a look decluttering and cleaning your home.  Suggestions include cleaning up finance, thinking about how you handle elations, reviewing core values, and much more.  The worksheet encourages people to set three goals to work on for their “mental health Spring cleaning.” (0322, coaching, well-being, reflection)

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with difficult people can be a significant stress for many people, but this worksheet gives you practical techniques to help reduce this stress. The worksheet also includes a chart to help you evaluate the interactions you have with the difficult people in your life and determine what helps and what doesn’t. (0322, social skills, relationships, interpersonal skills, DBT)

Practicing the Triple-A Listening Technique to Improve Listening Skills

This worksheet describes a “Triple-A Technique” listening technique that involves:  Attitude, Attention, and Adjustment.  It includes a brief assessment to help people see if they have problems in listening and lists some basic active listening skills.  The worksheet includes a chart to help people practice this technique. (0322, communication, listening skills, ADHD, ASD, Asperger Syndrome)

Coping with Your Emotions Following the Suicide of a Loved One

This worksheet helps people who have experienced the suicide of a loved one understand some of the thoughts they are having and feelings they are experiencing such as shame, disbelief, anger, blame, abandonment and rejection.  It gives them four ways to take care of themselves recommended by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. (0222, suicide, self-care, grief, healing)

Solving Your Problems in Five Simple Steps

This worksheet describes a five-step process of solving problems helping people generate possible solutions and take appropriate actions.  (0222, problem-solving, simple solutions, brainstorming, goals)

Map Your LIfe to Make Changes

This worksheet helps people identify the changes they want to make in their lives, the things that are holding them back, and the “bridges” they need to build to get where they want to go. The worksheet uses the metaphor of a map to help people see what they need to create their own future. (0222, problem-solving, goal setting, beliefs, executive functioning)

Setting Boundaries with Your Teens (Parenting)

This worksheet is designed to give parents an overview of the importance of setting boundaries for teens. It gives them important information on how to set appropriate boundaries and what to do when teen’s inevitably test boundaries.  The worksheet provides a place for parents to plan on what they will say to their teens and record how things went. (0222, parenting, setting boundaries, family therapy, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, behavior)

Finding Happiness After a Divorce

Divorce can be a devastating experience and some people feel that they will never find happiness again.      This worksheet provides people with 15 strategies to heal and move on to a happier and more fulfilling life. Questions help people think about what is holding them back and what can help them find the support they need to move forward. (0222, divorce, relationship, healing)