
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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Using A.R.E. Skills for Effective Communication

A.R.E. (Acknowledge, Reflect, Engage) skills are essential for effective communication and conflict resolution. A.R.E. skills can help people better navigate challenging conversations, foster understanding, and identify solutions to interpersonal problems. This worksheet helps people learn these skills and apply them in personal and business relationships. (0623, communication, relationships, conflict-resolution)

Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace

A psychologically safe work environment allows employees to feel comfortable taking risks, setting boundaries, addressing conflict, or asking for a raise. Growth, emotional well-being, and forward progress are encouraged and supported, and teams tend to be more motivated, efficient, engaged, and effective. This worksheet encourages the creation of a psychologically safe workplace through a team-building activity and problem-solving exercise (0523, coaching, workplace issues, career, management, leadership, team building, psychological safety)

Learned Optimism A.D.V.E.R.S.E. Events Log

This worksheet teaches the A.D.V.E.R.S.E. model developed by Martin Seligman to teach clients a realistic and optimistic style of thinking. The acronym stands for adversity, beliefs, consequence, disputation, and energization. The worksheet includes a chart for people to use for a two-week period to help change negative and pessimistic thoughts into realistic/optimistic thoughts. (0523, depression, learned optimism)

Confidence Meditation

This eight-minute audio focuses on helping people become more confident. It is recommended that people listen to it every day for a week. A chart is included to help people keep track of their listening habits and rate their moods before and after listening to the audio. (0423. anxiety, shyness, depression)

Is Pet Ownership Right for You to Promote Your Mental Health?

Owning a pet can be beneficial to a person’s mental and physical health. But pet ownership comes with responsibilities and is not right for everyone. This worksheet is designed to help people explore how owning pet might affect their lives before they make this commitment. (0423, pet therapy, depression, oxytocin)

Cultivating Humility

This worksheet is designed to help people become more humble to gain social acceptance. It includes seven strategies to help people who have a problem with arrogance and vanity. Questions are designed to help people explore the importance of having a self-image that takes into account reactions of others. (0323. relationships, social skills)

Creativity Meditation (Audio)

This four-minute audio meditation is designed to stimulate problem-solving and creativity. (0323, problem-solving, stuck, stress reduction)

Building Self-Esteem: Mindfulness Exercise

This Mindfulness Practice asks people to think about how they show their competence, how they inspired or encourage others, and how they see daily possibilities in their lives. (0323, mindfulness, self-esteem, positive psychology)

Building Your Credibility

This worksheet is designed to help people build their credibility in the workplace and in the community. It suggests 12 ways to build credibility such as being open to new ideas, being transparent, and communicating clearly. The worksheet includes a chart for people to record their “credibility practices” for a month. (0323, workplace issues, self-esteem, relationships)

Do You Resist Change?

This worksheet is designed to help people who resist change, even when change may lead to the resolution of problems and happier lives. The worksheet gives seven strategies to help people see the benefit of changing. It includes questions for people to answer regarding what they fear about change, what is holding them back, and what are their core values. People are challenged to do at least one activity a week that pushes them out of their comfort zone. (0323, coaching, transitions, symptoms)