
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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Child Custody Handoff Checklist

Handoffs—delivering the child from one parent to another—can be particularly difficult until a routine is established. This worksheet is designed to help parents establish a routine with a minimal amount of discussion until such time both parents feel they can put aside their differences and easily discuss the needs of their child without blame or recrimination.

Consider Pet Therapy

This worksheet can help people understand the mental health benefits of owning a pet or even being around pets. The worksheet will help them decide if owning a a pet is a commitment they want to make. (0918)

Responding and Not Reacting to Feelings

This worksheet is designed to help people respond to difficult situations in a positive way rather than mindlessly reacting in ways that might be self-destructive or destructive to others. (0718, anger control, addictions, impulsivity)

Your Greatest Success

Researchers tell us that it is easier to recall negative events than positive ones. This tendency can exacerbate psychological problems like anxiety and depression. This worksheet is designed to help you remember your important successes and how you achieved them. (positive psychology, values, self-esteem, 0716)

Does Your Worrying Help You?

This worksheet is designed to help people determine how their worrying is affecting their lives. (anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, GAD, worry, 0718)

Alternative Actions Can Help With Eating Problems

This worksheet is designed to help people explore alternative actions in order to decrease unhealthy habits around eating. (eating disorders, coping skills, 0718)

Using a Food Log

This worksheet is designed to help people who have an eating disorders monitor and record their food intake and problematic eating-related behaviors. (anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, 0618)

Using Open Body Language to Connect with Your Partner

This worksheet is designed to couples be more aware of using their body language to connect with their partners in intimate conversations. (couples therapy, marriage therapy, 0618)

Taking a Noticing Walk

This exercise is intended to teach people the concept of mindfulness. It can help people see how easy it is to integrate mindfulness into their daily lives. (anxiety, depression, stress, 0518)

Is Your Relationship Affected by Your Deep-Seated Fears?

This worksheet is designed to help people recognize when disagreements are fueled by their deep-seated fears. People are asked to write down situations when a disagreement occurs and note associated triggers, feelings, and fears. (relationships, couples therapy, marriage, 0418)