
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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Reflecting on Past Accomplishments and Setting Goals for the New Year

This worksheet suggests ways for people reflect on the past year using a journal, creating a gratitude list, creating an accomplishments list, and more.  It also asks people to think about their goals and plans for the New Year. (1221, coaching, health, positive psychology)

Managing Irritability and Agitation

This worksheet is designed to help people who are often irritated and agitated learn to notice these problems before they get out of hand and understand the social consequences of their behavior. It suggests several ways to cope with these problems and a chart to measure thoughts, behaviors, and consequences. (1121. Bipolar Disorder, relationships, workplace)

Responding to Rude Behavior

This worksheet gives people eight techniques to deal appropriately and effectively with rude behavior.

(1021, workplace, relationships)

What Are Your Coaching Goals?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the process of setting coaching goals and what they hope to achieve in their coaching journey. (1021. Coaching, goal setting)

Calming Your Body Meditation (audio)

This 13-minute audio can be used to help people with a variety of concerns and problems. This
type of audio triggers the “relaxation response” in the brain, which has been shown to lower
blood pressure and heart rate and produce biochemicals in the brain associated with feelings of
calm and well-being. Practicing relaxation techniques on a regular basis may have a variety of
additional health benefits. The worksheet includes a chart for clients to keep track of how often they practice relaxation exercises and the effect on their mood. (0723, relaxation, stress, audio)

Calming Your Body with Progressive Relaxation

This worksheet helps people learn and practice progressive muscle relaxation, a technique that involves tensing specific muscle groups and then relaxing them. (100721, relaxation, progressive relaxation)

Building Your Confidence

This worksheet gives people ideas on how to improve their confidence by recognizing their skills and talents, understanding how a lack of confidence is holding them back, and creating a self-talk script. (1021)

Restore Your Career Confidence

This worksheet is designed to help people who lack confidence and have low self-esteem related to their job or career. It suggests six psychological exercises to help people explore their feelings and pay attention to how their skills and talents can enhance their work and the rest of their life.

What Does Wellness Mean to You?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the concept of wellness and create personal wellness goals. Typical wellness goals include maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, increasing fitness, or expanding social activities.

Releasing Limiting Beliefs

This worksheet is designed to help people identify beliefs which are unnecessarily limiting to themselves or others. It is designed to help people replace limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts. (0921, dysfunctional thoughts, irrational beliefs, coaching)