
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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Silencing Your Inner Critic While You Grieve

This worksheet is designed to help people who are grieving replace self-critical thoughts with self-compassion. (loss, mourning, grieving, 0619)

Identifying the Messages You Have Received About Food

This worksheet is designed to help people with eating disorders identify the messages about eating and food that they received in their childhood, from their cultural background, that they received from their social ground, and that they receive from the media. They are also asked to think about how much these messages affect their present problem with eating. (binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, eating disorders, 0619)

Developing Empathy

This worksheet is intended to help people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder see the value of helping others. (personality disorders, narcissism, empathy, 0619)

Decreasing Criticism and Judgment in Your Relationship

This worksheet is designed to help reduce criticism in a relationship and increase support and respect. (marriage, communication, couples, criticism, marital therapy, couples counseling, 0619)

Identifying the Social Situations that Cause You Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety see that they don’t react to all situations the same way. It asks them to rate the intensity of their anxiety in different situations and also to examine how they cope with situations that cannot be avoided (social anxiety, 0519)

Practicing Being Imperfect

This worksheet is designed to help people take more social risks. Many people with social anxiety dread that they will embarrass themselves in public. This worksheet asks them to choose three situations where they deliberately make a social mistake in order to see that others really don’t care. (social anxiety, shyness, thought distortion, exposure therapy, 0520)

Tolerating Uncertainty in Social Situations

This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety learn tolerate the uncertainty of many social situations. The worksheet uses the technique of systematic exposure to help people gradually accept the fact that they can cope with or adapt to almost any situation. (social anxiety, 0519)

Using the Repeat Technique to Make Your Communication More Effective

The Repeat Technique can be an effective tool to help people express themselves more assertively. This worksheet asks people to think of examples of how they would use this too and then keep a record of how successful it was in real-life situations. (communication, assertiveness, 0519)

Regulating Emotions with Mandalas

This worksheet introduces people to the concept of Mandalas to manage their emotions. (bipolar, depression, anxiety, 0519)

Recovering from Addiction with the HOPE Technique

This worksheet describes the HOPE Technique to help people in their recovery from addiction. The technique includes: healing, openness, patience, and openness. (alcohol addiction, drug addiction, healing, 0419)