
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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Tracking Your Fears & Worries

This worksheet asks people to rate the intensity of their fears and worries as well the intensity of their urge to avoid what is causing their anxiety. (0415, CBT)

Thinking About Your Emotional Strengths

This worksheet is designed to help people think about their emotional strengths and how they can bring these strengths to their current problems. It contains a list of strengths for clients to rate, as well as questions about how significant others perceive the person’s emotional strengths. (0415, ACT, DBT)

The Cost of Avoiding Difficult Feelings

Some people spend a lifetime trying to avoid the things that cause upsetting thoughts, feelings, sensations, or memories. This can help them manage their symptoms, but it can simultaneously lead to a very restricted and unhappy life. This worksheet is designed to help people identify the things that upset them, think about the things they do to avoid being upset, and think about what life would be like if they could overcome their symptoms. This worksheet can be used as a prelude to Mindfulness and other techniques that help people accept and overcome their symptomatic behaviors. (CBT, DBT, 0415).

Dealing with Shame and Guilt

This worksheet is designed for people who blame themselves as solely responsible for a particular situation or event. The form is intended to help relieve the shame and guilt that makes life unbearable. (CBT, shame, guilt, 0415)

Tolerating Upsetting Thoughts & Feelings

This worksheet helps people deal with difficult thoughts and feelings by having them focus on their core values rather than rely on self-destructive symptoms. There are two forms to complete, one to help people identify their core values and another to help them determine how much time they spend in activities that reflect these values. (0415, ACT)

Think Before You Act

This form can be used to give people a visual reminder to stop and think before they act. This is particularly helpful for kids and teens, but is a useful technique for adults too. (0315)

Tracking Your Urges

Many people have a difficult time controlling their urges and impulses. This can be a particular problem when people are unable to control their self-destructive behaviors, such as excessive drinking, binging, self-injury, and other dangerous behaviors. This worksheet is designed to help people keep track of their urges and develop strategies to get control over self-destructive behaviors. (0315)

Creating an Emotional Emergency Kit

Some people are prone to becoming overwhelmed by their emotions. Usually caused by specific triggers, their intolerable level of emotions may then lead to symptoms, such as panic, alcohol or substance abuse, self-injury, or depression. This worksheet is designed to help people develop a set of positive coping techniques that can help them tolerate difficult emotions and refrain from self-defeating behaviors. (addiction, self-injury, impulsivity, prevention, 0315)

Domestic Violence Safety Plan

This form can be used to help women increase their degree of safety and make appropriate choices for themselves and their children. Sections include what to do after a violent incident, what to think about when leaving an abusive situation, how to be safe in your own home, what to take when leaving, and more. (domestic violence, trauma, abuse, relationships, 1120)

Talking About Your Emotions Helps You Manage Your Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people identify their moods during the day and talk about their feelings to someone else. Copies should be made, and the worksheet should be used for a minimum of seven days. (0315)