
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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Looking at the Big Picture

This worksheet is designed to help people put their problems into perspective. Taking an art therapy approach, people draw their small problems in little frames and the important things in their lives in the big frame. This worksheet can be a good opening to introduce a discussion about values. (values, art therapy, problem-solving, 0215)

Giving Up Judging People Negatively

Rooted in the work of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), this worksheet is designed to help clients let go of their style of negatively judging others, and to help them understand the negative effects of these thoughts and their associated behavior. (DBT, judgment, 0215)

Enhancing Self-Esteem By Changing Negative Thoughts

This worksheet can help people identify and change the negative self-talk that can lead to low self-esteem.(self-esteem, negativity, 0215)

Coping Strategies for Recovering From a Break-Up

This worksheet presents strategies to help people recovering from the break-up of a relationship and encourages them to come up with their own coping techniques. (divorce, relationships, coping strategies, 1115)

Preventing and Managing Relapses

This worksheet will assist clients in developing an awareness of when they are at risk for a relapse and how to appropriately respond. Form Type: PDF (121614)

The Grounding Technique

Grounding techniques are often recommended for clients who feel overwhelmed by their thoughts and feelings. This pdf includes a worksheet to help clients practice this technique and a link to a video demonstration of the technique. (1214)

Cognitive Distortions & Your Body Image

This worksheet is designed to help people correct distorted thinking about their bodies. It provides several examples of common distorted thoughts people have about their bodies and gives them examples of corrected responses. (cognitive distortions, body image, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, 1214)

Pain and Mood Assessment Card

Developed at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, this one-page worksheet contains scales to measure four aspects of pain. (1214)

Brief Pain Inventory

This assessment gives a quick overview of how pain affects a person’s daily life. (pain management, medical issues, 1214)

FACES Pain Scale

The classic Wong-Baker scale designed to visually measure the intensity of pain on a 0-10 scale. Particularly helpful for use with children. (pain management)