Increasing Flow Experiences

Flow is a psychological experience where even difficult tasks and activities become easy. It is a state of active contentment, associated with a sense of motivation, purpose, and focus. Finding daily flow experiences is an important way to find happiness and overall well-being. (depression, authentic happiness, 0717)

Daily Dose of Humor

This worksheet is intended to help people appreciate the positive health and mental benefits of humor and laughter. It asks the user to select from different ideas to stimulate laughter and to try at least one of these ideas every day for a week. (humor, wellness, depression, positive psychology, 0717)

Motivating Yourself to Change

This worksheet asks people to consider how they can motivate themselves to change in therapy. The worksheet presents 10 different ways to change and asks people to rate them and pick three ideas which would be most helpful. (therapy homework, motivation, 0617)

Does Your Depression Hurt You?

This worksheet is designed to help people keep track of physical symptoms associated with their depression. (depression, pain management, 0619)

Overcoming Depression Workbook

This assignment book contains 44 activities to help people overcome their symptoms and develop the habits associated with happiness.

Breaking the Cycle of Stress and Depression

The connection between stress and depression is complex and circular, but this worksheet is designed to break the cycle by teaching people ways to reduce the effects of stress. (0517, wellness, prevention, stress, depression)

Suicide Warning Signs-Wallet Card

Lives can be saved when you print out and cut out this simple wallet card created by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The card is meant to give people an always handy reminder of suicide warning signs and of course the number of the Lifeline 800-273-TAlK (8255). (Depression, 0512)

Practicing Compassionate Self-Care

This worksheet helps people learn to treat themselves with more compassion, much like they would treat a loved one in need. (depression, self-care, 0517)

Solving Your Problems One Step At a Time

This worksheet is intended to help people who are depressed set goals that will make them happier and help them feel more fulfilled in their lives. (depression, goal setting, problem-solving, 0417)

How Do You Want to Be Treated?

This worksheet is designed to help people think about how others can help them with their psychological problems. The worksheet asks them to think about both the things that they want from others as well as the things they don’t want. (depression, social skills, communication, 0417)