Focusing On Solutions

This worksheet will help you start thinking about how you solved problems in the past and how your life can be better today when you make even small changes. Focusing on solutions, rather than dwelling on your problem, can open many new possibilities. (solution oriented therapy, problem solving, positive attitude, 0116)

Words You Want to Hear

Everyone likes encouragement, but most people don’t get enough support when they really need it. This worksheet is intended to help people think about the words they really want to hear and give themselves “self-support” anytime they need it. PDF (0116, praise, self-image, identify, support).

Your Family Tree of Character Strengths

This worksheet is designed to help people identify the people in their families who help shaped their character. (character strengths, 0116)

Brainstorming Solutions To Your Problems

This brainstorming technique asks people to identify a specific problem and then come up with 10 uncensored solutions while they complete a mindful “coloring activity.” (problem-solving, solution-oriented therapy, mindfulness, 0116)

What Did You Learn in Grade School?

This worksheet asks people to think back to their years in grade school and the “life lessons” they learned. Answering the questions on this worksheet will likely bring up other thoughts and memories about what happened in these childhood years. (0115)

How Do Others See You?

The first part of this worksheet asks people to answer questions about themselves and then a second part can be used to ask the same questions to others. The worksheet is intended to help people see if their perception of themselves is very different than how others see them (self-perception, 1215)

What Makes You Feel That Way?

This worksheet can help people gain insight into what triggers different emotions. PDF (1215)

Understanding Your Moods

This worksheet is designed to help people be more aware of their moods and realize that they have the power to change them.

Mindful Meditation – Letting Your Worries Go

This worksheet encourages people to be mindful of their worries and fears while relaxing with a coloring activity. The process of coloring seems to have a soothing effect on many people and may stimulate biochemical in the brain which help control emotions. (mindfulness, anxiety, 1115)

Visualize Achieving Your Goals

You can use this vision board to create images or thoughts that will inspire you to achieve a specific goal. PDF. (motivation, insight, 1115).