Creating Lasting Adult Friendships

This worksheet emphasizes the importance of strong adult friendships for emotional and physical health.  It has 12 suggestions to build strong friendships followed by questions to help people reflect on the ways they make and keep friends.  The worksheet includes a chart for people to record the activities they undertake to foster friendships. (1222, relationships, friendships, loneliness, depression)

Start the Day Right Journal

This journal consists of prompts to focus people on the day ahead, including thoughts on gratitude, goals, body and mind, etc. The journal consists of 31 pages for a month’s worth of entries. (1222, journal, wellness, positive psychology)

Help for The Holidays

This workbook contains 15 worksheets to help clients who are struggling with holiday problems like loneliness, family estrangement, depression, and more. (1222, holidays, stress, depression, drinking problems)

Avoiding Holiday Burnout

This worksheet is designed to help people who are over-stressed by the holidays and starting to feel depressed rather than enjoying what the holidays can offer. The worksheet gives 8 recommendations for handling holiday burnout and a series of questions to help people find ways to deal with this common problem. (1222,

Do You Feel Like You Have Failed Yourself?

This worksheet is designed for people who are down on themselves because they have not accomplished all that they wanted. The worksheet helps people see that this attitude is not at all helpful to their well-being and gives them 10 strategies to overcome their habit of self-criticism. (1222, depression, self-esteem, negative thinking)

Identifying Cognitive Distortions

This worksheet teaches clients the technique of cognitive restructuring. The different kinds of cognitive distortions are explained and then clients are asked to keep a chart where they identify their automatic thoughts and substitute more realistic alternative thoughts. (1222. CBT. cognitive restructuring thought changing)

Coping with Family Drama During the Holidays

This worksheet is designed to give people a wide range of strategies to deal with family problems that typically occur during the holidays. Strategies include setting realistic expectations, self-care, identifying triggers, choosing to accept family members as they are, taking “stress breaks,” and more. (1122, family therapy, holidays, stress management, interpersonal conflict, interpersonal effectiveness)

Using a Thought Diary

This 7-column form is designed to help people keep track of the situations and thoughts that cause them distress and create “rebuttals” to thoughts that are dysfunctional. The form is frequently used in CBT therapies for anxiety disorders and depression. (1122, anxiety, exposure therapy, CBT, dysfunctional thinking, emotional regulation)

Happiness Habits Form

This data collection form helps clients track activities that make them happy for two weeks. (1022, happiness, positive psychology, mood tracking)

Between Sessions Journal

This simple journal will make every session more meaningful! Within 24 hours after each session, the client is prompted to create notes on 8 areas about what happened in the session, including important things discussed in-session; feelings (expressed and unexpressed), unexpressed thoughts, and homework assignments. Then, before each new session, the client is prompted to respond to quotes about their thoughts, feelings, creativity, and much more.  There are also two reoccurring rating scales that ask clients to rate their progress and assess their mood. (1022, journal, homework assignments)

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