Moving On After a Loss

This worksheet is designed to help people who experienced a loss “move forward with hope for the future.”  The worksheet gives specific ideas on what a person can do to move on and provides a chart for them to keep track of the activities they tried and how it made them feel. (0322, healing, grief, loss, mourning)

How to Stop Feeling “Stuck”

Many people have the feeling of being “stuck” in their lives.  This worksheet gives people practical ways to make the changes they need to feel they are making progress toward their life goals and feel that their lives are valuable and fulfilling. (0322, depression, happiness, transition)

“Spring Clean” Your Life

This worksheet suggests taking a look at your life the way you might take a look decluttering and cleaning your home.  Suggestions include cleaning up finance, thinking about how you handle elations, reviewing core values, and much more.  The worksheet encourages people to set three goals to work on for their “mental health Spring cleaning.” (0322, coaching, well-being, reflection)

Coping with Your Emotions Following the Suicide of a Loved One

This worksheet helps people who have experienced the suicide of a loved one understand some of the thoughts they are having and feelings they are experiencing such as shame, disbelief, anger, blame, abandonment and rejection.  It gives them four ways to take care of themselves recommended by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. (0222, suicide, self-care, grief, healing)

Solving Your Problems in Five Simple Steps

This worksheet describes a five-step process of solving problems helping people generate possible solutions and take appropriate actions.  (0222, problem-solving, simple solutions, brainstorming, goals)

Mindfully Aligning with Your Purpose

This Mindfulness worksheet encourages people to mindfully consider the purpose they see in their lives. (0222, mindfulness, depression, happiness, goals, purpose)

Asking for Help After a Death

Times of loss are often overwhelming, and many times people don’t know where to go for help. This worksheet gives people practical strategies of where to get help and what kind of help may be needed. (0222, loss, death, healing, grieving, networking, loneliness, depression)

Using Self-Validation to Accept Your Thoughts & Feelings

This worksheet helps people understand the DBT concept of self-validation, acknowledging, allowing, and accepting your thoughts and emotions.  The 4 steps of self-validation are: Observe, Acknowledge, Allow and Understand.  A chart helps people practice these four important steps. (0122, DBT, self-acceptance)

Using the T.I.P.P. Technique to Tolerate Distress

This worksheet describes the T.I.P.P. Technique used by advocates of DBT to deal with intense emotions. The acronym stands for:  Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Paired Muscle Relaxation.  A chart is included for clients to keep track of which technique is most helpful.  (0122, DBT, emotional regulation, emotions, grounding)

Are You Self-Compassionate?

This worksheet is designed to help people evaluate how self-compassionate they are and how they can treat themselves difficulty tough times.   The scale measures self-compassion on a 100 point scale. (0122, self-compassion, depression, Bipolar, anxiety)