Does Your Anxiety Make You Depressed?

This worksheet is designed to help people with anxiety disorders determine if they also need to seek treatment for depression. It explains the major symptoms of depression and links to an online screening for depression. It also asks people to keep track of how often they do activities that bring meaning to their lives and to assess the level of difficulty of this task as a possible indicator of depression. (GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, 1118)

Compassionate Reframing

This worksheet is designed to help people reframe their self-criticism and develop a more compassionate attitude towards themselves. People are asked to think about the critical words they use to describe themselves and to substitute their put-downs with more compassionate thoughts. (self-esteem, self-talk, self-image, 1018)

Reducing Over-Stimulation to Focus on Yourself

This worksheet is designed to help people reduce stress in their lives by paying attention to how much time they spend emailing, using social media, and participating in listening and watching various media. (101518, mindfulness, anxiety)

Learning to Focus On Your World Rather Than Your Anxious Thoughts

This worksheet is designed to help people overcome their anxiety by practicing mindfulness, paying attention to their world through all five senses. (GAD, 0818, intrusive thoughts)

Two Week Sleep Diary

This recording form helps people keep track of their sleep patterns for two weeks as well as the activities that might have influenced their sleep. Developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (0818)

Anticipating Success

Recognizing the importance of our unconscious wishes and needs, this worksheet asks people to concentrate on how things will be in the future where their problems have less influence or may be absent altogether. Concentrating on the positive aspects of your life, rather than on your problems, directs your unconscious to make decisions that will be more productive and beneficial. The concept of a “self-fulfilling prophecy” is a very real psychological phenomenon. You can make your future better or worse – why not make it better? (positive psychology, solution-oriented therapy, depression, 0718)

Your Greatest Success

Researchers tell us that it is easier to recall negative events than positive ones. This tendency can exacerbate psychological problems like anxiety and depression. This worksheet is designed to help you remember your important successes and how you achieved them. (positive psychology, values, self-esteem, 0716)

Taking a Noticing Walk

This exercise is intended to teach people the concept of mindfulness. It can help people see how easy it is to integrate mindfulness into their daily lives. (anxiety, depression, stress, 0518)

Using Your Character Strengths to Solve Your Problems

This worksheet asks people to identify all of their character strengths and then pick one which could be helpful in solving a predominant problem. (CBT, DBT, 0418)

Creating a Vision of a Happier Life

This worksheet is intended to help people gain a sense of hope by generating a vision of what their life could look like in the future. (addiction, depression, motivation, goal-setting, values, 0318)