Compromising With Yourself

This worksheet is intended to help people make compromises rather than be stuck between two extreme positions. (DBT, CBT, problem-solving, 0216)

Mindful Coloring

Mindful coloring is a simple way to teach the benefits of mindful meditation. This coloring book includes an introduction about the basic premise of mindfulness and 11 coloring pages. PDF (mindfulness, ACT, DBT, 0416).

Caring-Emotional Intelligence Mini-Poster

This mini-poster reminds us about the importance of showing that you care. PDF (0316, emotional intelligence, caring)

How Do You Deal with Emotional Pain?

This worksheet can be used to help people record the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and memories that caused them emotional pain as well as to note what behavioral responses are triggered and whether these were positive or negative. PDF (0316, DBT, Emotional Regulation)

Soothing Yourself When You Are Upset

Learning to calm down when you are upset is a critical part of emotional intelligence. This worksheet shows seven activities that trigger the production of biochemicals which calm the mind and body A second page asks people to keep track of which activities they use and how these activities affect their mood. (0316, DBT, ACT, emotional regulation)

Take a Break from Stress

Take a vacation from stress and dedicate just one day to living “stress free.” Sometimes this is harder than you think! At the end of the day, think about how you were able to create stress-free time, and how you can apply this to your normal life. Stress is a normal part of life and learning to control and cope with stress is an important part of good mental health.

Increasing Positive Feelings

This worksheet is designed to evoke positive feelings and simultaneously demonstrate that you can “change the channel” on your emotions. PDF (0216, depression, CBT, positive psychology)

What If You Won The Lottery?

This worksheet asks people to think about something that would represent great happiness (good fortune) in their lives and ways they can improve their chances of making this happen. (0216)

Building Your Support System

This worksheet is designed to help people think about the people in their support system and the kinds of support they might be missing. (social support, 0116)

Thinking in Full Color

This worksheet is designed to teach to avoid looking at their problems with absolute (black and white) thinking. Absolute thinking distorts reality and limits choices. People are asked to identify a problem, think of four “black and white statements” that pertain to that problem, and then change those thoughts to “full color.”