Take a Step Toward Something That Scares You

This form can help people see that they don’t have to avoid the things that scare them. The best way to conquer a fear is to approach it in small steps. (fear, anxiety, quick, 0915)

Connecting to a Higher Power

This worksheet is designed to help people explore their connection to a higher power, and to think about whether that connection can help them in difficult times. (DBT, spirituality, 0915)

The Miracle Question

This worksheet asks people to think about how their lives would change if a miracle happened and their most pressing problems no longer existed. This exercise can be the start of a conversation to help people see ways to live without being overwhelmed by problems. (Solution-Focused Therapy, quick, 0915)

Create a Positive Self-Portrait

This simple art therapy technique can help people focus on their positive qualities and how these qualities are visible to others. (art therapy, 0815).

Are You Grieving Too Long?

This assessment tool will help you determine if a client has Complicated Grief Disorder, a condition where extreme grief over the loss of a loved one is continuing longer than would normally be expected. The tool contains criteria for this condition, as well as an assessment worksheet for clients to help them understand the symptoms of this disorder. Form Type: PDF (0815)

Create a Mandala

This simple art therapy exercise can help people get in touch with the feelings and can be used with clients to start a conversation about their self-image. Many therapists use this activity as part of a healing process. (art therapy, 0815)

Be a Superhero

This worksheet encourages people to think about the super powers they would like to have and how they would use them. (Art Therapy, Quick, 0815)

Write a Letter to Your Problem

This Narrative Therapy technique is designed to help people externalize a specific problem and motivate them to develop new behaviors to help overcome it. (Narrative Therapy, Quick, motivation, problem-solving, 0815)

Write Down Your Most Powerful Dream

This worksheet asks people to write down a powerful dream from the past. It also asks them to think about how the dream affected them. Form Type: PDF (Quick, NLP, Emotional Intelligence, 0815)

Imagining Your Best Possible Self

This writing assignment can encourage optimism and positive thinking. (0815, Narrative Therapy, positive thinking, optimism, hope, resilience, quick)