Bipolar Disorder Symptom Monitoring

This worksheet is designed for people with Bipolar Disorder to help them monitor their symptoms. It includes a chart for people to rate their symptoms on a 1 to 10 scale for a week.  Follow-up questions are intended to help people understand more about their symptoms so they can be managed. (0622, Bipolar Disorder, symptoms, assessment)

Your Wellness Checkup

The worksheet suggests that people do a wellness checkup in 8 areas of their life: safety and security, relationships, environment, mental health, cognitive health, physical health, community, and purpose. It provides a form for people to rate themselves in each area from “in crisis” to “doing great.”

What to Do When You Feel Unappreciated and Undervalued

This worksheet is designed to help people who feel that others are not acknowledging their efforts to be helpful on an ongoing basis.   It provides a dozen suggestions on what people can do to feel better about themselves and those around them.  The worksheet is designed to  help people think about why feeling appreciated is important to them and how they can get the appreciation they seek. (0522, social skills, relationships, marriage, parenting)

Coping with Trauma Passed Down from Your Family

This worksheet is designed to help people affected by intergenerational trauma.  It explains how this trauma can occur and how it can affect people. Suggestions are given as to how to overcome the stress of this type of trauma. (0522, trauma, PTSD, family therapy, racism, survivors)

Boosting Your Mood with Music (Mindfulness Worksheet)

This Mindfulness Worksheet challenges people to use music to boost their mood on seven consecutive days. A chart is given to for people to identify specific songs that help improve their mood. (0522, mindfulness, music therapy, emotions, emotional regulation)

Improving Your Self-Esteem by Thinking About Your “Best-Self”

This worksheet asks people to imagine their “best self” as a way to increase their self-esteem. The questions guide readers to think about their positive qualities and exactly what they do when they felt really good about themselves. (0522, self-esteem, depression, positive psychology)

Coping with Trauma Following an Automobile Accident

Automobile accidents are common and many people are traumatized by this kind of event. This worksheet helps people assess whether their symptoms would be considered post-traumatic stress. It gives people nine strategies to deal with stress, including things they can do by themselves and things they can do with a professional.  A chart is included to help people write down and rate which strategies work best in helping them deal with post-traumatic stress caused by the accident. (0422, trauma, PTSD, accident)

Discover Your Life Purpose

This worksheet guides people through 10 activities to help them find their “Life Purpose.”  Guided questions help them think about their unique strengths and gifts as well as their values. (0422, values, coaching, happiness, meaning, depression)

Create a Simple Family Genogram

This worksheet for teens is designed to help them talk and accept difficult feelings related to changes in their families. (0322, teen anxiety, teen depression, resiliency, positive thinking)

Building Inner Strengths (Mindful Awareness)

This Mindfulness worksheet asks people to examine their inner strengths as they relate to conversations, action, relationships, and so on. It asks them to think about how each strength was used and what they learned from “being mindful” of their strengths.  (0322, mindfulness, character strengths, positive thoughts)