Just Scribble

This worksheet can be used for two purposes: to help people relax when anxious or stressed and to help people think about their feelings. PDF (1116, relaxation, insight)

Give Yourself A Compliment

This simple technique asks people to think about something positive they did each day and give themselves a compliment. Recommended for anyone going through a difficult time, but particularly for people who are anxious or depressed. A positive attitude is an important part of good mental health. (quick, anxiety, depression, resilience, 1015)

Create a Positive Self-Portrait

This simple art therapy technique can help people focus on their positive qualities and how these qualities are visible to others. (art therapy, 0815).

Create a Mandala

This simple art therapy exercise can help people get in touch with the feelings and can be used with clients to start a conversation about their self-image. Many therapists use this activity as part of a healing process. (art therapy, 0815)

Be a Superhero

This worksheet encourages people to think about the super powers they would like to have and how they would use them. (Art Therapy, Quick, 0815)

Scribble Your Feelings

This simple assignment can help people get in touch with their feelings. (0815, art therapy)

Kindness – Pass it On Poster

This poster is designed to help people remember the importance of daily acts of kindness. (0715)

What Is In The Cave

This 3-part projective technique can be useful in assessing and treating children with fears and anxiety disorders. Form Type: PDF (0715)

Coping Cards

These Coping Cards can be used by people who want to replace negative behaviors with positive ones. A useful technique to help in breaking negative habits. Form Type: PDF (CBT, 0615)

Talking About Your Emotions Helps You Manage Your Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people identify their moods during the day and talk about their feelings to someone else. Copies should be made, and the worksheet should be used for a minimum of seven days. (0315)